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Hotel Key Card

Thinked provides hotel key card for not only the following locking systems.

Saflok, Kaba, Onity, MIWA, Salto, Ilco, etc.

Frequently used magnetic stripe for hotel key card:
300 Oe, 650 Oe, and 2750 Oe;
Frequently used RFID chip for hotel key card:
Atmel T5577
NXP MIFARE Classic 1K (for guest)
NXP MIFARE Classic 4K (for staff)
NXP MIFARE Ultralight EV1


If you're questioning whether we can deduce the type of magstripe or chip embedded in a key card by knowing the hotel's lock system, the straightforward response is a resounding no. It's not uncommon for various hotels to opt for distinct chips or magnetic stripes, even when the lock systems are identical. To pinpoint the precise kind of magstripe or RFID chip required, we need to test two varieties of sample cards:


1. A sample card that is currently in circulation at the hotel.

2. A sample card that has never been utilized by the hotel.


Providing two pieces of each sample would be ideal. After conducting tests on these cards, we'll be equipped with the knowledge of the specific type of magstripe or RFID chip necessary for the key cards.

Should you find yourself without any cards at your disposal, there's no cause for concern. Reach out to us, and we'll arrange a sample pack for you to conduct tests within the hotel's premises.

Typically, our service includes the provision of preprinted cards that come with a magnetic stripe or RFID chip, minus the encoding. The hotel takes the reins from there, encoding each card with a specialized encoder. It's only through this encoding process that a key card gains the ability to unlock the corresponding door.

Hotels have a tendency to refresh their key cards frequently, a move driven by the desire to sustain their brand image. However, this practice can elevate costs, particularly when the chip in use is of a more costly variety.

In this digital age, the hospitality industry is continuously seeking technological innovation and upgrades to provide a superior customer experience. In this process, the choice of hotel access cards has become particularly important. Shenzhen Thinked, as a professional card solution provider, offers high-quality hotel access cards for numerous renowned locking systems, including Saflok, Kaba, Onity, MIWA, Salto, Ilco, and more, encompassing RFID cards and magnetic stripe cards.


RFID cards, or Radio Frequency Identification cards, are contactless smart cards embedded with an RFID chip and antenna. These cards are widely used in various scenarios such as payments, access control, identity verification, transportation, and more. Shenzhen Thinked provides RFID cards with different frequencies and protocols, including Low Frequency (LF), High Frequency (HF), and Ultra-High Frequency (UHF), to meet the needs of different application scenarios. NFC cards, a special type of HF RFID, are mainly used for Near Field Communication (NFC) such as payments or anti-counterfeiting. Shenzhen Thinked also offers hybrid (dual frequency) RFID cards, with common combinations including LF+HF/NFC, HF/NFC+UHF, LF+UHF, and LF/HF/NFC/UHF+Magnetic Stripe.


Magnetic stripe cards are another type of widely used hotel access card, which store information on a magnetic stripe to control the access of doors. Shenzhen Thinked's magnetic stripe cards come in different magnetic types, including Low Coercivity (Loco) and High Coercivity (Hico), as well as various colors and sizes to accommodate different customer needs. The lifespan of magnetic stripe cards is affected by many factors, and Shenzhen Thinked extends their durability by adding a protective overlay on the card surface, incorporating a protective film throughout the production process, and offering matte or frosted surface treatments.


Choosing Shenzhen Thinked's hotel access cards means opting for quality and technological assurance, as well as a solution that enhances the brand image and customer experience of your hotel. Whether you need RFID cards, NFC cards, or magnetic stripe cards, Shenzhen Thinked can provide you with professional customization services to ensure your hotel access system operates smoothly, securely, and reliably. If you have any questions or needs regarding our products, please feel free to contact us. We are here to provide you with the most professional consultation and services.